Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pickled Beets (Emlyn)

1 1/2 C. brown sugar
2 Tbsp. salt
2 C. cider vinegar
3 C. reserved beet juice

Wash beets. Cut tops off beets leaving 2" greens. Leave tap root on.
Boil beets in water until tender (30-45 minutes), reserve juice.
Cool beets and pop skins off.
Fill pint bottles with beets; can cut (into fourths) to fit jars if needed.
Fill bottles with reserved hot juice and process* as desired. Makes 6-7 pints.

*For best results process according to steamer canner directions.
Can also process using a water bath or open kettle method(hot beets, hot juice, hot lids). These will keep in the fridge for quite a while if you're planning to eat them right away or process them later.

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